This snow cream recipe requires just 3 ingredients and is nearly foolproof to make. The key is full fat sweetened condensed milk and a splash of vanilla extract that give the snow that extra creamy taste. Freshly fallen snow that's powdery in texture works best and don't worry — the snow won't melt once you bring it inside to work with. It actually holds it's shape well and stays nice and cold.
October 23, 2021
On Changing Seasons
Isn't it amazing how quickly things can change in the matter of a year, or in the matter of a minute?
June 11, 2020
Spring Rituals: Opening the River House

Today's post is in partnership with STIHL.
The regular change of pace between the city and the river over the last few months has been a welcome escape. Now into our second year with this home, we’re quickly learning what it takes to officially “open it up” for the season in terms of maintenance.
May 9, 2020
Meet Me at Joe's?
February 18, 2020
On Giving Grace in 2020
Midway into a bottle of wine on New Year's Eve, Tim and I began thinking back on all the cornerstones we could remember over the last decade — I'd moved back down to Virginia, Brandon had graduated high school (wait, did Stephanie too? Yes, wow and now she's married!), we'd brought Basil home, traveled to Hungary, moved into our current home and so on and so forth well into the night. We'd agreed to go dry for January again this year, so nearing the end of that bottle and indulging just beyond our norm, we got sentimental. We've been together a decade, but longer really. So much has happened over the course of our years together, yet some things stay the same, continuing to strengthen and grow. Love and relationships are funny like that.
December 2, 2019
17Apart Holiday Gift Guide: 17 Gifts (Naughty or Nice!)
Each year we always ask our big kids to make and send a gift wish list before Thanksgiving so we can take advantage of the big sale weekend. It's one way we know we can get them something they really want and a few surprises while keeping on budget. This year, we've compiled a list of our favorite ideas to share. From those you know best to those that stump you every year, to unexpected hostess gifts and budget-friendly stocking stuffers — here's what we're loving (and buying!) this year.
And! Today many of these ideas are on super sale so you can stock up while staying on or below budget too.
And! Today many of these ideas are on super sale so you can stock up while staying on or below budget too.
For me, a real fire crackling into the night during the cold season is one of the coziest ways to spend an evening in. We knew we wanted to be able to enjoy burning fires as the weather turned at the river house and recently had the chimney updated to code so we could do exactly that. I even painted the hearth and firebox black to give the fireplace a modern update.
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