July 5, 2012

The Antique Pallets

Last week I sent Mary the following photos via picture message...

While on the road, I came across this pair of antique industrial wooden pallets in a warehouse that I learned were headed for greener pastures. After a couple quick inquiries, they were mine so long as I would haul them away. Can you believe they might not have been rescued?

 She pretty much freaked out in excitement after getting the pics, and I knew I had done well.

The real kicker came when I got home and did a little hunting around to find similar antique pallets — my jaw dropped when I came across this set of 4 similar pallets for —wait for it— a whopping $3400:

...and that pretty price tag is reduced from $6000! Not a bad little find at all If I don't say so myself.

We're now just making plans for getting them over to the house to start cleaning them up and getting to work. Right now, we're thinking mostly about a coffee table for our family room, but who knows where we'll end up — oh the possibilities.

Re-purposing pallets seems to be such a popular decor trend right now— we found so many inspiration photos around the web from other people who have transformed antique pallets just like these into new functional pieces of furniture:

Image credit: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

 Image credit: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

I guess you could say we are a little excited. Have you re-purposed pallets into anything new or seen any great DIY projects we should know about?


  1. Great find! Wow, I really love the way they are refinishing them these days! Especially number 5 in the first set and number 4 in the second set. Gorgeous! Good luck refinishing them! Can't wait to see the finished product :)

    1. Thanks and we believe we may start this once the weather cools down!

  2. Oooooh!!! That is some good picking! My dream find is an old miners cart, you would think living in a mining town that I'd be able to find one but sadly I've not yet. Plus the mining museum snatches them up pretty quick. I can't wait to see what you guys do with it.

    1. A miners cart that would be cool. Let us know if you come across one and if you put it in the shed make sure you close the door. Hehe

  3. Tim- Those are awesome! I look forward to setting a ice cold beer on one. Hey- I'll trade you a re-purposed mash paddle for one ;-)

    1. Thanks Clay once this weather breaks we will start this project!


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