May 6, 2013

Plant Update: Growing Horseradish Root

You might recall how back in the beginning of February we tried our hand at planting a horseradish root. It was the first time we've tried planting a root like this, so we covered it in soil, watered it regularly and wished for the best...

Just under 2 months later, we noticed the first signs of the horseradish root beginning to sprout:

And now just about 4 weeks after we saw those first sprouts, we have a full fledged horseradish plant flourishing in the sun on our back landing:

Can you believe how well this guy has taken off?

We find ourselves amazed at how quickly it seems to be growing each morning when we check it out:

We've read these plants can sometimes grow up to 5 feet in height, but we have to say it's been pretty incredible to see it in person:

The big green leaves are shiny and full — giving off a faint scent of horseradish if you smell them up close (we even tasted a leaf early on and it has a hint of horseradish spiciness):

We can only imagine what that root must be doing underneath the soil, if this outer growth is any indicator, we just might have a bountiful harvest of horseradish root come the end of the season!

We'll be sure to keep you posted — especially when Tim shreds a little fresh horseradish in his bloody Mary's!

What plants have you planted already this year? Are any of them already surprising you like this guy has for us?

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1 comment

  1. Wow, I've just had such a lovely time reading of your ginger and horseradish adventures. Frozen to the bone in oz right now. And as a gardener of 20 years have never thought to grow such things to keep the love alive in the winter months. will certainly give it a go. Thank you for warming my day, kristy


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