This past weekend was one of fun and firsts.
3, 4, 5 & 6: We've been at the beach this weekend! The Outer Banks of North Carolina is my favorite beach — it's not only been Basil's first trip to the beach, but also his first trip out of state. We're actually staying out in Corolla right near the Curritcuck Beach Lighthouse and had fun stopping at various food stands and greenhouses on the trip down trying to challenge ourselves to buy food locally sourced for the weekend.
1: We found a little local Richmond, VA "love" here in the Outer Banks in the form of OLLI Salumeria (not from a farm stand, ha). Thrilled to find one of our favorite salame brands being carried while on a quick vacation, we snagged spicy Calabrese and garlicky Molisana varieties to enjoy while preparing dinners — it just so happened our slices were in the shape of hearts.
2: Early Saturday, we finally got the chance to visit AIM, which stands for Antiques in Manchester. We've been hearing a lot of buzz about this open air market where Richmond based vintage and antique dealers have been setting up booths each Saturday. Because we were headed to the beach straight after our visit, we didn't bring any new finds home with us this go round, but you can bet we'll be back.

For those of you with dogs (and can I go so far as to say children? Might be a stretch to compare, I know...) know how fun different "firsts" can be. Watching Basil on the beach was such a blast, especially seeing him kick up the sand in pursuit of a ball chase and dodging the waves curiously.
Had I known you were headed that way, I would have suggested a dinning establishment. Although, you may already be aware of the place; Bad Bean Taqueria. It's in the Timbuck II Shopping Center. The Shredded Beef Brisket tacos there are AWESOME!