May 9, 2012

Celery Plant Update & Rikrak Studio Mini-Series

Today we're looking forward to sharing our latest update on the progress of our indoor celery plant and at the same time announce the launch of a mini-series all about growing vegetables with sustainable scraps over on The Rikrak Studio Blog. We were thrilled when Kristal from Rikrak contacted us to guest post on her popular blog with a sampling of the plant projects we've been undertaking along with a few new ones.

Head on over to The Rikrak Studio Blog to find the first in the series where we outline the entire celery growing project with progress shots along the way. Stay tuned for future guest posts over the remainder of spring with a few new ideas.

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Official Celery Update:

We are now at right around the 2 month mark from originally planting our little celery base and here's what we're currently looking like:

While not at the point where Tim can slather some pimento cheese on a thick stalk of celery, we've definitely got some steady progress along with a pretty little house plant. 

Check out where we started:

You can see, over 2 months we've come quite a long way:


When planting celery from the seed, the growing process can take 5 or more months to reach desired stalk size, so it's a slow and patient process that takes a little patience.

Keep up with our full celery plant progress and learn how to start growing your own right here.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing how to do this! I've done it with one so far and put it in soil the other day. It's looking good. I'm planning on getting the other two bases I have in soil soon too. Here is my post if you're interested in seeing:

    1. Wow Leisimade!

      LOVE your post and we are so happy to have found your blog. We are looking forward to following along. Thanks again for stopping by and hope to see more of you!

  2. After the first post I put the remains of some celery in water too - it's just starting to grow roots at the moment (which took quite awhile - over a week. Maybe because I cut part off the slightly dried out bottom?). The green center part has been growing right from the moment I put it in water though. I also checked some other posts, so there's a sweet potato in a jar next to the celery (lot of roots, no green bits on top yet). So: Thanks for the tips!

    1. cb, we love it! So glad you've tried a couple projects out and your windowsill sounds just like ours!

      Our celery took about a week to sprout roots too but the green was growing right away — sounds like you are right on track.

  3. Hi you guys! I forgot to email you the picture of my celery plant how it's doing, but I think I've run into a little problem. I've planted it in potting soil in a pot, and put it outside now, since our windowsill is too small to put the pot in, and it's not growing as much. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm trying to remember to water it properly, etc, but it's not growing very tall yet. :( Maybe I just need to be patient and wait it out. It may be almost a month and a half for me since I started it. I hope it will be fruitful and deliver!

    1. Hey CurlyT - we would definitely wait it out. Ours took off really well then slowed down to a steady growth. We understand it can take up to 5 months for them to reach full maturity! Hang in there!

  4. What happens when it hits full maturity? Can you just break off a stalk here and there and let it keep growing or do you have to chop it and start over?

    1. In the past we have typically found one re-growth is about all you will get so once mature start another one. Hope this helps and thanks for stopping by.

  5. It's funny how things twist and tun and interlink. My wife, Tracey, saw a mention on Facebook of food scraps that you can grow. We enjoy recycling and have recently started growing indoor plants and herbs, so I followed the links and arrived here. We started a celery stalk today.

    Then I noticed the name of your blog and clicked about to learn more. Tracey and I are 14 years apart, so that also struck a chord. Reading a bit further, I saw that you both have Etsy shops. Tracey is an Etsy artist, too. ALittleCharacter is her Etsy shop. And I have a shop for custom web design, Artuit.

    It's just funny how similar ideas lead to similar people. Anyway, just wanted to let you know we enjoyed your blog.

    1. Wow so similar is that not crazy or what. Honestly several folks have gotten in touch with us with similar stories. Welcome to our little world and we hope you will visit often!

  6. I have tried this about 3 times. Once my celery gets about 3 inches high it gets mushy and colapses.

    1. That is what happens to mine Wendy. As I eat a lot of celery, I have tried this about 6 times without success. They have all started wonderfully with lots of leaves...then the old stalk rots and goes to mush - which attracts fruit fly. The green, healthy leaves just with and decay.
      I have watered regularly (as recommended). I have tried not watering too often. I have tried keeping the cut off piece above the soil. I have tried everything - but mine won't keep growing.

  7. Wendy its either you over watered or your pot got to small and needed to be replanted in a larger pot...once the root has no room to spread it will die out...and go to mush..

  8. Awesome! I like the idea. Nice to follow it.

  9. How much sunlight do they need? Mine is growing beautifully, but it eas warmer yesterday and some leaves seemed to turn yellow and weak.


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