June 26, 2012

Summer Storm Hits Richmond

We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you new shots of storm damage from the Fan! You may recall the hurricane that came through while we were in our old house — well we had another violent storm hit during tornado warnings in our area yesterday and it was a little scary.

Here's a shot of the clouds rolling in quickly over the city. Before I knew it, the storm was here and picking up traction fast. Here's a shot of the trees swishing in the wind as I went up to check and make sure the plants weren't getting knocked off the railings:

When all the power went out I decided to just shoot a little video from my phone of what was going on. Please excuse the darkness and Blair Witch-like walking effects — you can also hear Basil's little feet clicking around the house during the dark patches:

Right when I switched off the video, the wind really picked up and I hunkered down further into the home — that's when I heard that tree right out front crack, splitting down the middle (good thing it's a little tree).

Once everything calmed down, Tim came home and we got some shots of the backyard and split tree a little closer up.

One large tree branch cracked off our tree in the backyard, taking out one of the string lights with it...

There must be something about us and major storms since we found this poor little bird's nest knocked out of the tree in our front sidewalk:

Remember the same thing happened with this squirrel's nest in last September's storm?

Tim ended up making a sign for the tree right in front of our house — which hopefully gets the point across not to park under it with a little humor at the same time:

Everyone passing by stops to read it, laughing, then taking a good look at the tree. Tim called the city to let them know about the tree since it's technically on City property — they let us know it will taken care of anytime between now and July 3rd.

It was our first time hanging out in this house without power — we joked as it went further into the evening that this is probably closer to the way things were back when the house was built in 1912.

All in all, we are completely fine and any damage that happened right near our home is minimal and easily fixable — several areas near weren't quite as lucky. This is what happened just down the road from us. We were lucky not to have had worse damage and get our power back within 24 hours — but these things are a little jarring when they happen so quickly without warning!

Click the image below for some storm damage photos from around Richmond:

Anyone else experiencing any summer storms and hot as hot weather of late?


  1. That storm was so scary! It came out of nowhere! My dog and I were standing out in the front yard; one minute it was calm and normal; and the next the trees were waving back and forth and cracking... eep! So glad there wasn't more damage!

    1. Could not agree more — glad you guys are safe too!

  2. So glad you 3 are safe and damage for you was minimal. That is quite a crack in that tree. It's hot and arid with no rain in sight here. Not my favorite weather.

    1. Thanks so much Monica! Sounds like we need to pay a visit your way :)

  3. And we worked so hard to get those lights up. We had a tree linb come down (about 15') but that's about it. Got power back around midnight. Glad you guys are ok!

    1. Clay - glad you all got by with minimal damage. We DID work hard to get those lights up, didn't we? I guess this means Tim will just have to order another keg and have you all back over....

  4. I live in south central Iowa and in the last two years, we've had so many violent storms that lately my trees stopped throwing off weak limbs! We had marble sized hail a month ago and my new aluminum window frames are dented in on the west side now. But can't complain, the house is still here. YES had lots of storms and figure there will be more with the 100's heat wave that is suppose to come. Spring came a month early.

    1. Wow Karen, your weather sounds even crazier than here in RVA — so glad to hear all is OK and well in the bigger scheme of things.

  5. Oh wow! So happy to hear you guys are safe and sound. Basil amazed me, he didn't even flinch when he heard the thunder. Most dogs would sprint for under the bed :)

    1. Hahaha, Basil has become a lot less afraid and much more of a "protector" since we moved here with the glass doors he can see out of. Especially when it's just me (Mary) around, he especially steps the macho-ness up a notch. I can't complain.

  6. What a storm...

    We don't hav e many storms here in Finland, btu there were several last winter. Last Chistmas Day we were 50 miles away at my inlaws when my housband got a call "Do you own a navy WV Golf? If you come here fast, you might be able to save your car before a tree falls on it" (There is a Finnish online service; you can find owner of the car by registration number).

    Husband tried to leave for Helsinki, but couldn't. We were at a dead end of a road and there were ten trees fallen over the road. Soon he got another call "Don't bother, the tree fell already... but not on your car. The car parked behind yours is now totally smashed..."

    1. Oh my goodness Lumo what a story! I'm glad you both and the car were OK! Sounds like we need a similar car finding service here in the states!


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