April 1, 2013

A New Journey....

We've got some big news!

First of all — we love you guys. For almost two years now we feel like we have grown up with each and everyone of you as we moved into our new home.

You have read along as we found things in alleys — some of which have been repurposed, like this tree trunk slice we turned into a side table:

...and some of which are still waiting for their time to shine, like this gym locker we found at an alley sale:

We certainly have grown a lot of stuff!

We even had luck sprouting sweet potatoes:

You have watched Basil grow up from a puppy to a handsome young dog:

Also affectionately referred to as "Basil Puppy Dog," "Crazy Puppy," "Baby Puppy," "Ham Bone," and "Who's a Puppy Dog?"

You've seen us through many holidays:


So, we're beginning to feel like family here on the blog! All of these times and others have been very important to us and we have enjoyed sharing these them with each of you. If you've been following along for a while you know we are planning for our wedding in June — it's been a long time coming and today marks the 60 day countdown! 

So, what's the big news?

After much discussion, we've made the decision to revert to a more private lifestyle after the wedding and so we will not be updating 17apart.com after June 1st. 

Again, it was a tough call to make — we will miss all of you and would love to stay in touch with you as time allows, it just won't be in a blog format. We will keep our email open and we will leave the site up as an archive. You will also be able to reach Basil through this same email.

So a big thank you to all goes out for following along with our little world, as it has been fun getting to know each and everyone of you through comments, emails and all of your blogs.

If you made it this far, here's the catch —


Ah ha ha ha! We could not do that after all the work and effort that's gone into documenting our little journey.

As I always tell Mary — you are stuck with me, and you guys are stuck with us for as long as you want to follow along! As a matter of fact, we have an exciting DIY wedding post tomorrow we've been itching to share.

So did we get you? Just a little? Let us know if we totally had you sold or you just were not buying it in the comments section below.


  1. I hate youuuuuu

    I was so disappointed, until the end of course! I know you better and totally should have seen this coming.

    So glad it isn't true:)

  2. this was sooooooooooooooooooo mean!!! I'm glad this was just a joke because I really like your blog.

  3. I am a visual artist,musician and writer.How may I help you with your wedding?

  4. Y'all should know I had my Grumpy Cat face on for about 10 seconds there.

  5. Such tricksters you are! I was really bummed. So glad that I didn't just hit the x in anger and continued to read through to the end!

  6. Ok you got me! I was like whaaaaat? what happened? lol good one :)

  7. Ha! Best April Fool's ever :) Wasn't very funny for a second though! I was scrolling to the bit where you announced the pregnancy :)

  8. Totally fell for it and I was so sad! I should've known better :)

  9. You got me!! I was all sad and didn't even think about the fact that today is April Fools Day.

  10. Totally fell for it. Apparently I need my morning coffee more than I realized.

  11. Waaaaaah!! (crying) LOL I had just found you recently and was going to be soooooo disappointed! Now I am happy that you were just joking! I love your blog and would be very upset if you closed it down.

  12. That was the best April Fool's yet! So happy you aren't closing shop :)

  13. Yep, I fell for it. I forgot what today was. But love the little tidbits you have. Happy you're not going away :)

  14. Oh you're good you! I fell hard for this!

  15. Tricksters! I would be sad to not have handsome Basil in my facebook feed. My Luna would miss him.

  16. Oh my goodness, I was trying to figure out what in the world could have happened to make you quit blogging! :)

  17. Definately fell for it..kept going "oh"..was waiting for "baby news"..glad it's not really over!

  18. Good god! I scrolled through the photos half jokingly thinking "Well I hope they're not reviewing all of this to just tell me goodbye!". And then my heart sank, and I thought "YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT". You totally got me! glad to have that all cleared up.

  19. Amanda from CincinnatiApril 1, 2013 at 4:12 PM

    I definitely am the most gullible person in the world. I even fell for a radio station April fools this morning that said Great American Ballpark had a water main break and they were moving the game to Paul Brown :-/. Glad to see it was all in good fun though! I would miss you guys!

  20. As a somewhat new follower, I was rather disappointed as I read your "fool", to think that after stumbling on this cool blog it would no longer be available. So, yea, you got me! And I'm glad it was an April Fool's joke! Hopefully it will remain the only one I get today!

  21. Stinkers! I've had a long day, and totally forgot it was April Fools Day for a moment there. Bahahaha!

  22. Oh man! We were so stoked to put up this post and now we feel kinda lousy for it! You all are the best — and we're terrible people, we know. ha ha ha.

  23. Oh my god, I just recently started reading your blog and was all "NO NO NO NO NO! NOOOOOOO! WHYYY?" - google couldn't fool me, nor youtube, but you guys! You really had me there :) haha

  24. Ohhh myyyy goddddd you had me so bad!! Not cool lol

  25. Aaarghhh! You guys really got me with that one, in fact I stopped breathing as I read it as your Blog is my most favourite Blog of all.
    Big sigh of relief!
    Love and Blessings to y'all

  26. Ugh. You got me. Here I was all excited that I'd just found you guys, just gotten all of my email confirmations, and received my first update in my email this morning and......ugh. Just....ugh. Anyway, I'm glad your sense of humor is just as warped as my wife's, who happens to live on a farm with me and is 17 years younger than me. I've just started my celery cuttings this past week and already they're doing great...I hope to get them in pots later today and share the pictures...it's working exactly like you said it would. ~Clint

  27. You totally got me, even though I had taken note of the date!
    I'm glad it's not true though ♥

  28. my heart sank!! and then i scrolled down, Phew! You got me!

  29. Ok You got me. Glad to hear it's just an April Fools joke. I'd miss you guys.

  30. I TOTALLY fell for that! As I was sad and reading through it, I was also wondering if it was creepy how sad I was to not be able to read about your adventures anymore. Anyway - that was a great one! I'm so excited to keep reading your blog!

  31. OMG,I was almost crying overhere..April fools,why did I not think of that :/
    Love your blog,even if I don´t comment so often.

  32. I seriously just found your blog today and saw this and...almost...cried...

  33. You guys are too much! We so appreciate all the love and feel so guilty now! hahaha

  34. Just got back to your blog and was shocked. April Fool's. Glad you'll still be around. I love reading your blog and seeing all your projects. Congratulations on your wedding as well.


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