September 8, 2016

Hanging onto Summer: How to Make Sun Tea

With 90 degree days in the forecast this week, the heatwave around these parts sure does put new meaning into "hanging onto summer." It's been a particularly hot season here in Virginia this year and hot summer days call for southern traditions, like sun-brewed tea.

Such a simple pleasure, sun tea is quick to make, requires minimal ingredients and puts the sun's rays to work instead of heating up the kitchen during hotter summer months.

The added infusion of fresh peppermint leaves snipped straight from the garden is what gives the tea an added pick-me-up, and let me tell you — our peppermint game out back has been strong this summer.

In our most recent collaboration with eHow, we're sharing our favorite twist on sun tea — click here for the recipe along with the step by step instructions for whipping up a batch of your very own.

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